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Can you uphold the inner light in its own pure radiance? Inwardly erupting with all that it leaves out, you become a conduit for the suppressed, the repressed, and the denied facets of self and life. Those born whi!e ihe Sun is in Aries are of a persistent, deter-mined nature, somewhat inclined to be fiery or quick in temper, And in the very center of this dispassion and wakeful scrutinizing, one indwells a Buddha realization attained by hard work in many lives and now being your innermost identity in an identityless way. The infinite future or wipe-out. Carbs In Yellow Bell Pepper, A man making candles out of beeswax. A pervasive conviction grows and forms, of how it really is. Your deepest need is to embrace your astounding nature and let it be free, despite all signs to the contrary. This is the fast, hard way to get a refresher course in the tortures and the plagues, in order to come up with solutions and alternatives of the most avid, incisive, and irresistible kind. There are regions of the dark to live out parts of self or all of self for a time. There is no power of individual life-force. Deep process. An opossum comes out into the moonlight. What has been is finished. Your mind's blind spots call up remedial action. debilitated in Libra. Calling the collective attention to what comes next on the horizon. Yet your inward nature contains within it a host of retrogressive pulls of great power and intensity, and your newfound footing in the world of self-mastery is tense and pressurized by shadows of the past threatening to engulf whatever territory you can begin to make your own. You have to go so deep inside burrowing into the cave of navigational realization, that you are held, cherished, known, given all you need; yet as well required, commanded, to become entirely purposeful and to be the path and to cease all complaining and extraneous consciousness. It all depends upon whether this exquisite gift of soul remembrance is honored or exploited. Intimate depths of camaraderie. When a masterful touch carries out a razor-sharp aim, the results are impressive. LEO 5 At times even condemning self and world to being unworthy and unredeemable. Taking karmic episodes of the past and replaying them in another variation. You are profoundly emotional, physical, and personal in order to ground and focus a vaster attunement, urgently and critically mobilized at hot spots. A great difficulty in holding steady, perpetual adolescent rebellion, and the magnificent ability to become absolutely anything. Usually the dreads come up more first and dominate for a while. LIBRA 1 Just getting going when it all seems lost. It is a delicate matter to know this much. Many who attain this point will employ their conscious mind to cover all this up and generate a busy outer facade. You become drastically aware of all that was hidden, and jump to conclusions. Being brilliantly tuned in to every nuance of your own superfine sensibility and not missing a stitch. A complete world unto yourself. Wakeful, vigilant, and clear. A statue of Hermes decked with brightly colored garlands. Body wisdom. A neatly compacted little world. Half mesmerized and half supercharged to get everybody in on it somehow. After that, I got introduced to the work of the famous Serbian astrologer Nikola Stojanovic and his theory of the degrees. You have a creative dilemma with so much growth, outlasting your own inner enemies and becoming Earth-worthy in the physical--triumphantly and with lasting imprint. The treasure chest is full to bursting. A wisdom tooth that has been removed from someone's mouth. So that the highest and the truest can once again be sparkled into the shared stream and known to be pulsatingly alive and self-renewing, in the most rapturous gesture of moving with whatever is asked. The following paragraph shows the interpretation we are giving. Whatever is changing and whatever is staying the same are the two forces you track with and report back to cosmic center upon. Expanding to meet the need. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30, Capricorn in the Degrees You are simply a seed blown by the wind, and to become this completely is blissful fruition inwardly smiled into being. Exceedingly resistant to distraction and diversion, you're almost maniacally committed to reforging an initiate's vision in contemporary application. You keep the home fires burning in a vigil of being fragrantly tied in with your many pasts, so that there is no room for anything else, as what has always been continues in yet another variation, in enchanted life-force dreaming onward. Riveted to the phenomena. Comparing charts of friends and famous people who are known for certain qualities, one can gradually discriminate among the degrees. But all my favorite reading is of books that do it this way. Someone tells a joke and no one laughs. A young woman notices the handsome man has fangs. Majestic vistas. An American Indian woman in a canoe. A man thinking up names for colors. Painstaking labors in several different planes of existence. We feel pinned to the spot, responsible for everything that happens around us--somehow the one in charge. Life as a throwaway. SAGITTARIUS 13 Claiming the allegiance of those whose wildness is no passing whim, but the only viable way. The brother here now cannot forget the brother who died. The wind blows white sheets hung on a line to dry. Solitude and ever-afters. Wishing and yearning for the world to be at peace and for people to understand each other, you contribute constructively. Unable to find what you crave in any of the usual places. For the Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius), they are 8-9 degrees and 21-22 degrees. Clouds overhead seen in a reflecting pool. Bearing the authority of life, of death, and of the two worlds brought into synthesis, you have the compelling stature of one who has seen life through before and has attained to ripe wisdom and the glory of realization. A woman with flames for hair. In astrology the decans are 36 segments of the ecliptic that consist of 10 degrees each. Magnetized completely to enjoy and express and explore the personal, the interpersonal, and the sensuous vibrations. The expanse of the Himalayas in the distance. TAURUS 5 Driven by impulse to constellate the archetype of the one in trouble, of the outlaw, of the dark stranger. Eerily intent upon staying on course and witnessing how it is done, why it is done, with dispassionate gaze. And you form a vessel that is hardy and strong and enduring and you put all of yourself into it, you leave nothing out. Guided from within to stay entirely secluded and solitary in your inner life, yet transmuting your solemnities into accessible bits and pieces in all familiar contexts. A woman imprisoned in a high tower. You're good at reality adjustment, practiced in the art of making it work somehow, but deeply frustrated, profoundly alienated, and existentially doubting just about everything in sight. And in order to move through this extended interlude, you are going to need to return to the past places and see them again. A path of character evolvement with many places to get lost and a very strong will to work through it all, becoming fully who you are in a way that gives life to everybody and takes nothing away from anybody anywhere. Never lost; impossible to forget. Soon after that, I encountered the only good book on the market to take the degrees further into depth and detail. Ecstatic release in being able to catch the spark as it flies. Imperious, demanding, and not to be denied. Expressively playful, tricky, fluent, and engaging. But the karmic instructions are to play along, and later all shall be revealed. The analytical disposition carried to its furthest extreme. Direct and retrograde stations are easily seen as the Nonetheless, you are called to become the quintessential higher masculine as completely as possible to the deepest roots of your being, in order to make a difference and to bring the shared energy and attention to a focal point of the true central clarity and meaningful direction onward from here. Inward explosions. Stupendous and rigid pride. Consecrated, mystical, and right there on the inside of life, you wait timelessly for all good things to come in their season. Most vitally committed to coming up with the hidden element and making sure that it finds its place, that it is done justice to, but not dwelled upon overlong, because here comes the next and then the next. These surround and envelop you. Tremendous for activating will; intended for nothing else. It is so hard to give up your fondest notions. Acutely well-informed and voluminously knowledgeable. Gloriously depraved. Attention riveted to trends and turning points, and yielded up to a long-ago-agreed-to code of recording and evaluating all the relevant data; so that the cosmic forces can determine what is happening way down here and can fine-tune their ways to evolve the situation optimally; so that all concerned can synchronize with the greater ways and be released from anything and everything that runs counter to the bright promise of Earth evolution. 501 Dane Rudhyar & Elsie Wheeler pag. PISCES 28 CAPRICORN 10 You are almost hysterically straight and narrow outwardly in juxtaposition to how you really see, feel, and respond to things. You're permitted great latitude in improvising and going off on tangents. Astrology Aspects Explained. You simply know that your destiny must and will be fulfilled. But you live within, make good on the past, cleanse and open and know that nothing is as it seems and form is tissue thin. Curious, fascinated, alive with speculations, hunches, notions. VIRGO 26 “Astrology is assured of recognition from psychology, without further restrictions, because astrology represents the summation of all the psychological knowledge of antiquity.” – C.G. Being certain and being terrorized. The arctic wasteland under the setting sun. Here is the greatest display of inward ability that can be imagined. And inside it all, you are curiously resigned to whatever arises, not very concerned because long range results mean everything here. Desiring and needing to bring forth each self you have ever been, every fancy you are filled with, you are impetuous, outrageous, and irrepressible. Ten years passed before I found anybody writing in a major way about the degrees of the Zodiac. LIBRA 24 Not really listening. The wonders of anonymity. Outwardly, you greatly prefer and gravitate toward any form that will throw everybody off and leave you in peace. And at the center of the journey lies self-knowledge and the overriding determination to clear the karmic slate, to free up what has been trapped and bound and to come to yourself afresh. A nude man with a tail. Eternal foundations. CAPRICORN 27 Limitations are kept in place so that those who are not ready to go through radical changes in evolution will be able to locate themselves. Deep at the core of your being incredible things are completely and utterly alive. This quality of soul is simple and direct. You feel driven by the heart to go to any lengths to express and embody the realization of divinity. But nature is no longer enough within the evolving matrix in this planet. Ashwini Aries 0°0 – Aries 13°20 Aries 23°51 – Taurus 7°11 Horse – Star of Transport A repository of timeless knowledge to draw from, yet it is self-replenishing--the bottomless well of source knowingness, unaffected by time, by circumstance, or by any changes you go through. Knowing how to do it and feeling sharply motivated. Servants giving a woman a bath. Nothing going on. A fatelike feeling of get-it-now or get-it-later. Notes on The Elements of Astrology by A.S.Writer for the 1st. But you know what you need to know, and you're on the beam so palpably that nothing much matters except being there. Intimately familiar with every side of existence. You are discovering how to think and act from a disinterested, steady, and cool vantage point. Impeccable skills used under constraint. You are quintessentially driven to bring everything up and out, the creative artist who purges whatever is in there. Such gestures multiply. An alligator swims slowly through a swamp. Devoting magnificent resources to a bleak, forbidding track. Possible futures. It means that we cannot get away from ourselves or our fate for a moment; we are compelled to fulfill our vows and to bring into this world the towering awareness and strange resonance of the giants, of the ancestors, of the great ones, of the inner ways. The degrees are the perfect starting point for such a venture. Capable of bounding leaps, your are infused with a spirit of new beginnings. Exceedingly susceptible to corruption and distortion and most especially to using your gifts for personal advantage. Most radically prone to playing out patterns or syndromes that you are convinced will soon be taken away, so must be binged upon first. AQUARIUS 21 Your whole heart and soul are given over to the lineage of those who know and serve the Goddess. Offered a way to move right through the middle of life's labyrinths and stay straight on. You need leverage and control, and are driven toward extreme autonomy, remembering the way it has always been. CAPRICORN 22 Is this real opportunity or a strange fate? The prenatal resolve to work out all remaining karmas and be free. Good fortune. A man with green skin. Difficult to harness, yet the mastery called for is just what you seek to embody, and anything more reasonáble seems easy and lazy. For everything depends upon entering the process and giving yourself over to the master-craftsman-hands of the Creator Beings. Mushrooms springing up everywhere. Filled to overflowing with the streams of your background, you are yet definitely motivated to use all this as a springboard and not to lean back on it. SAGITTARIUS 30 Intent on memorizing each gesture, every turn of phrase. The inside becomes all, the outside virtually transparent to the light within. Tackling the impossible with relish and elan. Small things add up here as ritual pervades. Frank continues this exploration in his Power Degrees webinar.. Massive pride screeching to a halt. Freeing the spirit. Holding over yourself karmic matters. Taking on and transmuting the world of ordinary consciousness. It somehow has an alluring feeling at the entrance. The bitter perspective and relentless repetition of the litany of gloom and doom. The burning of a bough of sage. A young girl is sold to a sultan. But a shadow creeps over this beautiful scene. LEO 2 Designing life as an experiment in which you must pay very close attention and miss nothing. When her body died, her spirit flew free, and started a path of work with me and with our perfect companion Alita that will be going on for a very long time to come, in an ever-unfolding path of dying and reborning. You feel that ultimate springtime quality of fresh immediacy and windblown alacrity, just sensing all through body and soul the possibilities, the openings, what wants to happen next. For each degree, the Chandra symbol is the initial phrase. Usually, triggering so much subtle destruction and indulgence in the negative brings you up short, and triggers the final reckoning and the huge release, sending darkness on its way and opening a space for light to flood through and start a new cycle, where the old had seemed to be decadent and established for the duration. When darkness comes, you need more darkness if you're ever going to find the light. A woman: The lower half of her body is a serpent. For you have gathered considerable awareness toward this time of decision, and this vertical attunement is a welcome ingredient--one vitally needed. A man drinking blood from the vein in a horse's leg. Greatly gifted with the talents of transmission. You have gotten lost in the dark, identified with the one who needs and lacks, the one who is broken fragments of experience. When there is brightness and bounty as far as the eye can see, the inner self knows they are welcome to embody here. An island just visible off the coast. As an oracle, they are unsurpassed. Much that goes on here stays under, percolates timelessly. Withheld from the personality spotlight. A group of fat Italian ladies preparing bread. And is there a path directly under this icy intellect to recover the soul in things to the mind's satisfaction and the spirit's release? So straight and narrow that it becomes idiosyncratic and Self-referential. Consciousness triumphant. Very little connection with the here and now. It is gradually drifting out to sea. But charming, endearing, appealing, well-intentioned, and idealistic in ways half delusional and half genuinely restorative. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30, Leo in the Degrees Self-consciousness enshrined. And as you take it all in, the alchemy of deep process inside the soul optimizes the value and meaning of what you meet. Somewhat taken over by the downward tug of wastage, decadence, the ends of things. You are called away. LEO 12 Huge relief and release. Yet inside of that, you have virtues and gifts galore, held for the indefinite future cautiously, prudently, and discouragingly. There are critical degrees in the zodiac. But any way you try to put it forth is troubling. We can almost play off of it in emphasizing our skeptical or worldly approach to things. Eager for a thousand universes to come true. Big things and little things trade places. CAPRICORN 14 You feel especially keen to taste and feel what needs to happen, what wants to arise, tapping the pulse of the times and speaking for all of those who stay tuned in for further developments. This is not astrology with psychological digressions and vague "spiritual" explanations. Unfortunately, this often means imposing duties upon yourself presumptively. Bearing a karmic handicap in which you cannot get away from yourself for a moment. The unknown makes the known precious and poignant. Speaking to each one in the way you speak to yourself, in the way you speak to everything. It pours over experience with a fine tooth comb, yet only sees what it expected to see. It is a difficult, painstaking journey from here. Yet in the end being stopped by little shadow dwellers just becomes too painful for you to rationalize any further. Simpson 4400 Psi Pressure Washer Parts, Definitely completely attached, but what you are attached to changes drastically. Otherwise, a scourge. A fat man in a state of reverie smoking a hookah. Denying yourself everything is a karmic pattern that you are chronically hooked on. Something has ended. The glare of the spotlight falls upon chronic unconscious syndromes. A thrust outside. My entire world of inner and outer work was blasting free dramatically. Second-guessing yourself, criticizing, cutting things up. Selecting what is karmically familiar. VIRGO 16 A woman with a gold tooth. You are walking a collective karmic edge between the old and the new, in which both of them must be honored in just the right ways. The passage is from thinking about it to becoming at home within the path of bringing all worlds together, just as the occasion makes possible, with a light touch and an easy grasp of the reins. Karmically held in the balance. A destiny that stands out and speaks volumes. Most characteristic of this vast realm is its common ground, free access, and broad representation. Stalactites and stalagmites almost grown together. You are also empowered from within to throw off all solemnities, and to free up situations whichever way it will work, without moral standards to inhibit the free flow of inventive enthusiasms. LIBRA 5 AQUARIUS 8 LEO 13 Knowing how to do it right, ingrained with staggering soul memory. AQUARIUS 26 Strange creatures peeking out from behind trees. Myriad complications arise, issues of ego. It remains narrow-spectrum, rational throughout, but does this up the best it can be done and a little bit better. And knowing it's gonna come any moment now, "I can feel it rising up.". LEO 15 Three women materializing out of a fog. However, it takes an advanced soul to be able to move steadily with such intoxicating qualities. You are at the mercy of conditionings and programmings, and chronically mentally obstructive, up against the grind of the outer mind droning onward. Tremendously powerful, treacherous and rewarding. A stronghold for secrets, hidden purposes, and inward streams to thrive and prevail.

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