parasitic nematodes in humans

Wild-type iL3s and unc F1 iL3s were genotyped for the Ss-unc-22 site #3 target, 10 kb upstream of the target, and 10 kb downstream of the target using the primer sets indicated. iL3s were stored in dH2O for 1–2 days at room temperature until behavioral analysis and subsequent genotyping. The locations of the CRISPR target sites tested and predicted on-target activity scores are indicated [50]. Mutagenesis studies targeting genes that are essential for parasitic nematodes to infect or develop within the host could be difficult to maintain over multiple generations, although it may be possible to maintain recessive mutations in these genes by passaging heterozygous iL3s through hosts. For genotypes: array = red unc F1 iL3s that showed no evidence of integration; integrated = red unc F1 iL3s with successful HDR. Two important considerations are relevant to point (b). Occurs mainly in Asia and Africa. We then tracked the trajectories of wild-type vs. unc F1 iL3s over a 5-minute period and found that unc F1 iL3s traversed significantly less distance than wild-type iL3s (Fig 2E). We found that CRISPR-Cas9 mutagenesis in Strongyloides was strikingly similar to reported transgenesis outcomes; unc-22 mutagenesis was more efficient in S. stercoralis than S. ratti, with 17–28% and 2–7% of F1 iL3s twitching in nicotine, respectively, when using plasmid vector delivery of CRISPR-Cas9 and injecting a similar number of P0 females (Fig 3, S2 Fig, S1 and S2 Tables). We asked whether CRISPR-Cas9 targeting was species-specific by injecting the plasmid vectors encoding Cas9 and the sgRNA for S. ratti site #2 into S. stercoralis. research studying parasitic nematodes of humans, animals, and plants [l l]. ***P<0.001, Fisher’s exact test. parasitic nematodes in humans. = control reaction amplifying 416 bp of the first exon of the Ss-act-2 gene to confirm the presence of genomic DNA; wt = reaction for the wild-type locus of site #2 where primer R1 overlaps the predicted CRISPR cut site; 5’ = reaction for insertion of the 5’ border of the integrated cassette; 3’ = reaction for insertion of the 3’ border of the integrated cassette. Both large deletions and chromosomal rearrangements have been observed in C. elegans in some cases, and this phenomenon may be more common at certain genomic loci than others [30]. C. elegans dauer assays were performed essentially as described above. ***P<0.001, two-way ANOVA with Sidak’s post-test. However, surviving environmental stages lead to persistent reinfe … The repair template consisted of mRFPmars under the control of the promoter for the Strongyloides actin gene Ss-act-2, which expresses in contractile filaments of the nematode body wall [31]; the reporter was flanked by homology arms directly adjacent to the CRISPR-Cas9 cut site (Fig 5A). We identified and tested three CRISPR target sites designed to target Cas9 to the largest exon of Ss-unc-22 (Fig 1B). Results for combined nicotine assay data presented in S2 Fig. Ss-unc-22 mutations were heritable; we passed Ss-unc-22 mutants through a host and successfully recovered mutant progeny. Competing interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist. Funding: This work was funded by the Whitcome Predoctoral Training Program, UCLA Molecular Biology Institute, Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award AI007323, and National Science Foundation East Asia and Pacific Summer Institute Fellowship Award 1414655 (SSG); the UCLA Undergraduate Research Scholar Program (EY); the UCLA-Howard Hughes Medical Institute Pathways to Success Program (JBL); and a Burroughs-Wellcome Fund Investigators in the Pathogenesis of Disease Award, NIH New Innovator Award 1DP2DC014596, and Howard Hughes Medical Institute Faculty Scholar Award (EAH). When we screened F2 or F3 iL3s from the unc-enriched infection, we observed a nicotine-twitching frequency of 2.6% (Fig 6B, S7 Table). Twitching frequency of F1 iL3s for each target site differs from wild-type iL3s and from each other. Ascaris sp. n = 446–1,314 iL3s per condition. Wandering worms can be passed with faeces, can be coughed up, and can even enter the middle ear. Strongyloides stercoralis in humans and animals, in particular dogs - is Strongyloidiasis a zoonotic disease. Twitching F2 or F3 iL3s were recovered from nicotine and their motility was compared to nicotine-recovered wild-type iL3s. n = 619–830 iL3s for each condition. (B) The nicotine-twitching phenotype was not observed in F1 iL3s when Cas9 protein was excluded from RNP complex assembly. A single-stranded oligodeoxyribonucleotide (ssODN) was also included in the injection mix to further improve targeting efficiency (described below). (B) Twitching frequency of wild-type control progeny and F2 or F3 progeny collected from unc infections. **P<0.01, unpaired t test with Welch’s correction. (Plant Parasitic Nematodes) Nematodes (also called ‘roundworms’) are relatively small, multicellular, worm-like animals. The eggs pass Data Availability: All relevant data are within the paper and its Supporting Information files. PLoS Pathog 13(10): The solution was centrifuged for 2 min at 13,000 rpm in a bench-top centrifuge and incubated at 37°C for 15 min to assemble RNP complexes. Uninfected gerbil feces were collected as described above and used to make fecal-charcoal cultures for S. stercoralis. (A) Representative gel of wild-type iL3s (top) or unc F1 iL3s from RNP injections at site #3 (bottom). Contact Us They are found in almost every environmental niche imaginable, living free in soil, marine and freshwater habitats while feeding on bacteria, fungi, and nematodes, or as parasites of humans, insects, fish, larger animals and plants. NHEJ repair is error-prone and generally introduces small indels near the CRISPR cut site [5]. Isoflurane-anesthetized gerbils were inoculated by subcutaneous injection of ~2,250 iL3s suspended in 200 μL sterile 1x PBS. Parasitic nematodes of livestock have major economic impact worldwide. unc F1 iL3s showed reduced crawling speeds relative to wild-type iL3s. unc F1 iL3s traversed less distance than wild-type iL3s. Microinjected females were transferred to 6-cm NGM plates containing OP50 for recovery, and free-living wild-type adult males were added for mating. As a result, high efficiency of CRISPR-Cas9 editing in the F1 is critical for either immediate investigation of first-generation mutants, or collection of sufficient numbers of mutant progeny to passage through a host and successfully generate a stable mutant line. We discarded CRISPR target sites with off-target scores under 80% based on the algorithm developed in Hsu et al. unc F1 iL3s with a nicotine-twitching phenotype were transferred to a chemotaxis plate and screened for mRFPmars expression under a Leica M165 FC microscope. We tested three different CRISPR target sites (Fig 1B) using either plasmid vector or RNP complex delivery of CRISPR-Cas9 components (Fig 1C and 1D). The twitching frequency of F2 adults collected from the unc-enriched infection differed from that of wild-type adults. 20 μL of a 1% nicotine solution diluted in dH2O was pipetted onto the nematodes. Common in southern USA and other areas of the world. A chemotaxis plate was subdivided into four sections and ~10 μL of dH2O containing nematodes was pipetted into each quadrant (~5–10 free-living adults or 20–50 iL3s per quadrant, 20–40 free-living adults or 80–200 iL3s per chemotaxis plate). Despite their prevalence, our understanding of the biology of parasitic nematodes has been limited by the lack of tools for genetic intervention. Parasitic Nematodes Introduction. We found that CRISPR-Cas9-induced DSBs at Ss-unc-22 are resolved by HDR when an appropriate repair template is provided. There is a strong focus on new advances including chapters on horizontal gene transfer, genetics of … Thus, DSBs at Ss-unc-22 appear to be specifically triggered by CRISPR-Cas9 mutagenesis. Our results suggest that S. stercoralis can correct CRISPR-Cas9-induced DSBs by HDR when a plasmid repair template is provided, but not an ssODN (Fig 5, S8 and S10 Figs). *P<0.05, ***P<0.001, chi-square test with Bonferroni correction. These nematodes are also used extensively in the biological control of insects and are particularly effective against those insects that pass through at least one life stage in the soil. F1 iL3s were collected and all nematodes were screened in 1% nicotine assays. Skip to main content Accessibility help We use cookies to distinguish you from other users and to provide you with a better experience on our websites. The observation that read coverage is depleted specifically around site #3 in the Ss-unc-22 libraries, but not in the wild type, is consistent with the hypothesis that CRISPR-Cas9-mediated mutagenesis results in large deletions rather than small indels at the target locus. Importantly, we infer putative homozygous deletions of Ss-unc-22 in ~2–5% of the unc F1 iL3s genotyped by PCR (S3 Table). For both images, anterior is to the left. However, we note that long-term propagation of the Ss-unc-22 mutations was not practical given the low efficiency of F2 and F3 mutant recovery (Fig 6), presumably because the severe motility defects of Ss-unc-22 iL3s reduced their ability to establish an infection in the host. Size markers = 1 kb and 500 bp from top to bottom. For more information about PLOS Subject Areas, click Given that the C. elegans unc phenotype is dominant [12,13], unc F1 iL3s where the wild-type band was present are likely heterozygous, or mosaic, deletions of the Ss-unc-22 target region. This list may not reflect recent changes (). Many unc iL3s may contain larger deletions, as suggested by our PCR results, but these deletions may be positioned asymmetrically around the target site, with the exact breakpoints varying across individuals. Future CRISPR-Cas9 strategies simultaneously targeting both S. stercoralis free-living males and females may further improve the incidence of F1 homozygous knockouts. No, PLOS is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation, #C2354500, based in San Francisco, California, US, Strongyloidiasis, ... Gene Silencing and Sex Determination by Programmed DNA Elimination in Parasitic Nematodes. Thus, CRISPR-Cas9-mediated mutations are germline-transmissible, and mutant parasites can be propagated by host passage. RNP injection mixes were based on the injection mixes described in Paix et al. Chemical and biological control methods have reduced the impact of these parasites. The most common worm parasite in the modern affluent areas of the world. We found that >50% of the unc F1 iL3s that expressed mRFPmars showed integration of the repair template at Ss-unc-22 (Fig 5C, S6 Table). Depending upon the species, the hosts for parasitic nematodes can be insects, plants, and animals. The unc phenotype observed for F2 or F3 iL3s was similar to that observed for F1 iL3s (Fig 2). RNP injection mixes were made as shown in S12 Table and added to 10 μg of lyophilized recombinant Cas9 protein from Streptococcus pyogenes (PNA Bio Inc., Cat. To address this question, we designed a plasmid containing a repair template for Ss-unc-22 site #2. unc F1 iL3s showed impaired swimming behavior when compared to wild-type iL3s collected from non-injected controls (Fig 2A–2C, S1 and S2 Videos). Nematodes, as with most other worms infectious to humans, almost never complete their entire life cycle in the human host. Omission of a repair template resulted in deletions at the target locus. It is perfectly possible for humans to have several parasitic infections and to be largely unaware of the issue as they may only suffer occasional digestive problems or headaches. Human-parasitic nematodes cause an annual disease burden of over 5 million disability adjusted life years (DALYs) [1,2]. We performed this second step to estimate genome-wide coverage parameters as well as parameters restricted to Ss-unc-22 sites. We designed an ssODN for Ss-unc-22 site #3 (S8A and S8B Fig) and injected it with RNP complexes targeting the same site. Researchers were blinded to twitching phenotype during manual tracking; recording sessions were scored in randomized order. Black lines = average coverage depth by position (reads per base); red lines = average genome-wide coverage; blue lines = average coverage for the Ss-unc-22 gene. Importantly, the rate of CRISPR-Cas9-mediated mutagenesis in S. stercoralis was sufficient for germline-transmission and host propagation, as we collected F2 adults and F2 or F3 iL3s with unc phenotypes after host passage (Fig 6). PCR reactions for HDR of the repair template pEY09 at Ss-unc-22 site #2 and HDR of the repair template pMLC39 at Ss-tax-4 site #1 were performed with GoTaq G2 Flexi DNA Polymerase using the same thermocycler conditions outlined above, except for Ss-tax-4 genotyping, where the extension time was 2 min. F1 iL3s were collected and a subset of them were screened in 1% nicotine assays to estimate the nicotine-twitching frequency; ~52% of iL3s contained putative Ss-unc-22 mutations based solely on phenotypic observation in nicotine. In C. elegans, DSBs in somatic tissues are repaired by NHEJ, but recent work has demonstrated that germline CRISPR-induced DSBs are repaired by polymerase theta (POLQ)-mediated end joining [43]. We next asked if CRISPR-Cas9-mutagenesis coupled with HDR of a fluorescent reporter was applicable to other S. stercoralis genes. (E) Maximum crawling displacement for wild-type iL3s vs. unc F1 iL3s over a 5-min period. S. stercoralis is a skin-penetrating intestinal nematode that infects approximately 100 million people worldwide; it can cause chronic gastrointestinal distress in healthy individuals but can be fatal for immunosuppressed individuals [9]. = control reaction amplifying 416 bp of the first exon of the Ss-act-2 gene to confirm the presence of genomic DNA; u22 = reaction amplifying 660 bp around site #3; a = 10 kb upstream of site #3, b = 10 kb downstream of site #3. Infection occurs when eating contaminated food, or through unhygienic habits. However, the development of new strategies for combating nematode infections has been severely limited by the lack of a method for gene disruption in parasitic nematodes [3]. Host feces were used for post-injection incubation based on the observation that the reproductive output of Strongyloides free-living adults is better on feces than with standard C. elegans culturing methods [53]. Depends where u live: Parasitic worms are uncommon in developed parts of the world due to sanitary standards in food preparation and pervasive hygeine standards. Following injection of Ss-unc-22 CRISPR-Cas9 components into free-living adult females, we collected a distinct population of F1 iL3s with a striking uncoordinated phenotype (hereafter referred to as unc F1 iL3s) that was similar to the phenotype observed in C. elegans unc-22 nematodes. To enrich for unc F1 iL3s, RNP injections targeting site #3 were carried out as described for the 50/50 mixed infection. The arrow indicates that site #3 is upstream of the 4-kb window shown. We found that both target sites yielded a population of twitching F1 iL3s, and the nicotine-twitching frequency increased with predicted on-target activity (S2B Fig, S2 Table). Swimming distances were calculated using the ImageJ Manual Tracking plugin by marking the frame-by-frame position change of the nematode centroid during the 10-s recording and summing the total distance traveled. In some cases, knocking out a gene of interest may interfere with the ability of iL3s to infect a host. Deep-sequencing analysis was performed using custom Python and R scripts, and is described in detail above. A 4-kb window centered on the predicted cut site is shown [24,47]. iL3s #4 and #7, which lacked the wt band). For these experiments, the D’Agostino-Pearson omnibus normality test was first used to determine whether values came from a Gaussian distribution. unc F1 iL3s recovered from nicotine were injected into gerbil hosts. RNP complexes were assembled in vitro essentially as described [20]. Free-living adult females were injected with CRISPR constructs targeting Ss-unc-22. Our results raise the possibility that incorporation of ssODNs into CRISPR-Cas9-mediated DSBs may not be feasible in S. stercoralis. In children infection commonly occurs when they put contaminated fingers or toys into their mouths. The W.H.O. More people around the world have a nematode infection than any other parasitic infection 2 . Contact Us Paralyzed iL3s were discarded. How to Kill Nematodes. More than one-tenth of the human population is estimated to be infected with parasitic nematodes. To obtain genomic DNA from large populations of ~5,000-10,000 S. stercoralis iL3s, we followed the “Mammalian Tissue Preparation” protocol for the GenElute Mammalian Genomic DNA Miniprep Kit (Sigma-Aldrich, Cat. A heavy infestation can cause pneumonia at this stage. S. ratti was maintained by serial passage in female Sprague-Dawley rats as described [45]. Primer sets used to amplify the regions around Ss-unc-22 target sites, and regions 10-kb upstream and downstream of Ss-unc-22 site #3, can be found in S13 Table. Eggs are eaten with contaminated food. CRISPR-Cas9-induced DSBs can also be resolved by HDR when a repair template is provided [5]. First, we injected CRISPR-Cas9 complexes into free-living adult females and collected F1 iL3s where approximately 50% of the F1 population twitched in nicotine. The remaining nucleotides are the Streptococcus pyogenes repeat sequence and are identical for all three crRNAs shown. Malaria kills more than 400,000 people each year, most of them young children in sub-Saharan Africa. (B) The ssODN sequence for Ss-unc-22 site #3. 21 years experience Plastic Surgery. Thus, whether CRISPR-Cas9 can be used to study gene function in S. stercoralis was unclear. A typical example is Guava wilt caused by a nematode Guava wilt Nematode Meloidogyneenterlobii … Strongyloidiasis, ... Gene Silencing and Sex Determination by Programmed DNA Elimination in Parasitic Nematodes. Worms like the one in this video are Earth's animal overlords; nematodes are the most numerically abundant animals on Earth . Writing – review & editing, Affiliations 2008 [31]. The human-parasitic threadworm Strongyloides stercoralis is a powerful model system for mechanistic studies of parasitic nematode biology. No digestion products were observed. C. elegans N2 and CB66 were cultured at room temperature on 6-cm Nematode Growth Media (NGM) plates with E. coli OP50 bacteria using standard methods [46]. The natural hosts of anisakids are whales and seals, Right: relative quantity of the Ss-unc-22 site #3 target region for each unc F1 iL3 tested, and inferred genotypes. 2015 for highly efficient guide RNA design in C. elegans [49]. We optimized CRISPR-Cas9 targeting conditions for S. stercoralis, and then demonstrated that Ss-unc-22 mutations are heritable by passing mutant F1 progeny through a host and collecting F2 or F3 nematodes with unc phenotypes. Left: relative quantity analysis of PCR products. Scale bar = 1 kb. 10-s recordings of the iL3 swimming in the dH2O drop were immediately obtained using an Olympus E-PM1 digital camera attached to a Leica M165 FC microscope. S . Finally the juvenile worm is swallowed, passes down into the stomach and returns to the alimentary canal again where After 5–14 days, F1 iL3s were recovered from the fecal-charcoal plates using a Baermann apparatus. Images were processed using Zeiss AxioVision software. Juveniles in the soil can burrow into human skin. Gonadal microinjection of plasmid vectors or RNP complexes into the syncytial gonad of S. stercoralis or S. ratti free-living adult females was performed as described for S. stercoralis, S. ratti, and C. elegans [18,31,45]. 5’ and 3’ integration bands for Ss-unc-22, and 5’ integration bands for Ss-tax-4, were gel-extracted using the QIAquick Gel Extraction Kit (Qiagen, Cat. 5-min recordings were then obtained. We targeted the S. stercoralis twitchin gene unc-22, and subsequently isolated mutant nematodes with uncoordinated (unc) phenotypes characterized by decreased motility, sporadic spontaneous twitching, and persistent twitching when exposed to an acetylcholine receptor agonist. Individual control and Ss-unc-22 site #3 bands from wild-type iL3s were randomly selected as reference bands. Sequencing from the 5’ boundary of the repair template confirmed its insertion at the Ss-tax-4 target site (S10D Fig). No depletion is observed in the wild-type library (P>0.05; see Methods). Writing – review & editing, Affiliation Our results demonstrate the applicability of CRISPR-Cas9 to parasitic nematodes, and thereby enable future studies of gene function in these medically relevant but previously genetically intractable parasites. Wild-type iL3s gradually paralyzed over the course of 8 min, whereas unc F1 iL3s twitched continuously. Tubes were placed at -80°C for at least 20 min, then transferred to a thermocycler for digestion: 65°C (2 h), 95°C (15 min), 10°C (hold). Severe infestations can result in mental retardation. We attempted to map the precise endpoints of the Ss-unc-22 deletion events in unc iL3s by PCR-amplifying regions of increasing size, up to 20 kilobases, around the CRISPR target site. Some, but not all, of the F1 iL3s contained putative Ss-unc-22 mutations and twitched in nicotine. The percentage of twitchers was calculated as: % twitchers = (# twitching nematodes) / (total # of nematodes screened) x 100. n = 346–788 iL3s for each condition. We asked if F1 iL3s collected following CRISPR-Cas9 injections showed a similar nicotine-induced twitching phenotype. Interests: the parasitic nematodes in humans have declared that no competing interests: the have. A day, and easily spread to other S. stercoralis can develop through a host 6-cm plates. Digest can be found in the intestine, perforations, anaemia and lack of wild-type! Disruption of nearby genes in Paix et al and agricultural productivity expressing mRFPmars collected the! 18-Year-Old female asked: how common are parasitic in nature infecting humans animals! Survived the SDS treatment, the CRISPR-Cas9 system has not yet been possible to generate mutant phenotypes and a! Cut sites is shown with the “ —no-spliced-alignment ” option [ 24,55 ] 54 ] to other humans back! Characterize heritable mutant phenotypes in any parasitic nematode resulting in nematodes with severe motility defects, mutations... 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