biophysics textbook online

Figure 30: Rainbow images showing individual neurons fluorescing in different colors. Our modern-day computers all basically use the model described in Figure 29, coupled with the idea that any number is to be presented by bits in a binary representation. The chicken egg is a thing of elegant geometric beauty. By tracking the neurons through stacks of slices, we can follow each neuron’s complex branching structure to create the treelike structures in the image on the right.Source: © Jeff Lichtman, Center for Brain Science, Harvard University.A research team at Harvard University has developed mice with brains that light up in a rainbow of colors. Electrophysiologists have also applied biophysics techniques in the study of membrane proteins, and Tsung-Yu Chen et al. We also believe that the selection pressure—a quantitative measure of the environmental conditions driving evolution—is very small if we are dealing with a highly optimized genome. If it is even slightly warmer, then I would guess that the egg is fertilized and alive, because it is out of thermodynamic equilibrium and radiating more energy than it absorbs. Devised by RAND staffers Merrill Flood and Melvin Dresher and formalized by Princeton mathematician Albert Tucker, it involves two suspects for a crime whom police are interrogating separately. Ruth Catharina de Lange Davies Professor +47-73593688 Department of Physics. Darwinian evolution as modified by recent theories teaches us that it is possible to come to local maxima in fitness in relatively short time frames through the use of deliberate error production and then natural selection amongst the errors (mutants) created. Let’s move from the complex egg where the chick embryo may be developing inside to the simple example of bacteria swimming around looking for food. What is wrong is our assumption that the mutation rate is fixed at 10-9 mutations/base-pair generation, and more controversially perhaps that the mutations occur at random on the genome, or that evolution proceeds by the accumulation of single base-pair mutations: Perhaps genomic rearrangements and basepair chemical modifications (a process called “epigenetics”) are just as important. How this is controlled and manipulated still remains a great mystery. We can put the problem into simple mathematical form. In Figure 21, we show a simulated landscape, two different ways that system might pick its way down the landscape, and the local traps which can serve as metastable sticking points. So far, we have wrestled with the structural diversity of proteins and its relationship to the free energy landscape, and we have tried to find some of the unifying and emergent properties of evolution that might explain the diversity of life and the increase in complexity. At present, we really cannot predict three-dimensional structures for biological structures, and it isn’t clear if we ever will be able to given how sensitive the structures are to interaction energies and how complex they are. This book gives an introduction to molecular biophysics. And how does the intrinsic twist of the double helix translate into the necessity to break the double helix and reconnect it when the code is read by proteins? Watching the video first, and then reading the unit from the online textbook is recommended. For example, in the protein section, we showed the staggering complexity of the multiple-component molecular machines that facilitate the chemical reactions taking place within our bodies, keeping us alive. It actually came from an American mathematical biologist named Sewall Wright who was trying to understand quantitatively how Darwinian evolution could give rise to higher complexity—exactly the problem that has vexed so many people. The study of spin glasses in condensed matter physics naturally brings in the concepts of rough energy landscapes, similar to those we discussed in the previous section. How can we contain, or reverse, global warming? Temaene er de samme, og du bruker samme ordbanken som tidligere. By drawing an analogy between spin glasses and biological systems, we can establish some overriding principles to help us understand these complex biological structures. However, it is possible that in spite of the seemingly hopeless complexity of biology, there are certain emergent properties that arise in ways that we can understand quantitatively. It starts from material properties at equilibrium related to polymers, dielectrics and membranes. We will return to the brain and its neural networks in the next section. This is a hierarchical distribution of states not unlike the states available to an unraveled protein molecule trying to fold into its optimal shape. The cytoplasm of a living cell is a very dynamic entity, but at least at first glance seems to basically be a bag of biological molecules mixed chaotically together. Figure 16: A schematic of how minimizing the free energy of a molecule could lead to protein folding.The above diagram sketches one possible explanation for how proteins fold into their native structures that is based on the physics concept of minimizing free energy. Author: AJC1, 18 April 2007.Prions, familiar from their role in mad cow disease, can take on two rather different conformations. It is somewhat of a shock to realize that this bag of molecules actually contains a huge number of highly specific biological networks all operating under tight control. Hopfield and molecular biologist David Tank set out to make an analogy between neural networks and the energy network of a glassy system characterized by a large number of degrees of freedom. Allosteric theory is developed as the synthesis of conformational transitions and association reactions. The Emergent Genome 4. Here’s a question from a biologist, Don Coffey at Johns Hopkins University: Is a chicken egg in your refrigerator alive? There may be much more to this molecule than meets the eye, however. It highlights various aspects of the biophysical fundamentals and techniques that are currently used to study different physical properties of biomolecules, and relates the biological phenomenon with the underlying physical concepts. No proton has a future unless, as some theories suggest, it eventually decays. If we laid out the DNA from our chromosomes in a line, it would have a length of approximately 1 meter; that of amphibians would stretch over 30 meters! RNA has a hydroxyl (OH) molecule—a molecule with one hyrogen and one oxygen atom—at the 2′ position on the ribose sugar, where DNA has a hydrogen atom. How does the hummingbird do it? Right: Wikimedia Commons, Public Domain. This introductory course on biophysics introduces the principles of electrical excitability of cell membranes, which form the basis of all information pro-cessing in the nervous system. Knowing that the states of a spin glass form a hierarchy, we can ask what mathematical and biological consequences this hierarchy has. However, one school of thought posits that the effort was partly (or maybe mostly) successful because of the efforts of a rival private program headed by entrepreneur Craig Venter, which used a different but complementary approach. It isn’t obvious when you look at a cell that a network exists there. Ion transport through a membrane was extended by the discussion of cooperative effects. I challenged you initially to drop the possibly cooked egg and see what happens. The bases of DNA form pairs, which attach to one another and twist into a double helix, while RNA forms a single helix. At 300 K (80°F), the approximate temperature of most living organisms, life processes are characterized by tightly controlled, highly specific chemical reactions that take place at a very high rate. An emergent property is an unexpected collective phenomenon that arises from a system consisting of interacting parts. In the bottom center, the small population is affected nearly equally by mutations and selection pressure, and easily escapes small peaks while moving very slowly up higher ones. So, from an information perspective, we really don’t have any iron-clad way to go from genome to organismal complexity, nor do we understand how the complexity evolved. It is very easy to go from one apparently random state to another, but not so easy to find the path through all the possible states that leads back to the original configuration. Yet, as the example of Phineas Gage in the side bar shows, our brain can take enormous abuse and remain basically functional. Each unit has at least an input and an output, and some sort of a control input which can modulate the relationship between the input and the output. London: Smith Elder and Co., 1838.The birds sketched here showcase the diversity of the Galapagos finch population. But there is much more to the story than this: Simply knowing the list of genes does not explain the implicit emergence of the organism from this list. Why can a couple of pounds of neurons drawing a few watts of chemical power with an apparent clock speed of maybe a kilohertz at best do certain tasks far better than a machine the size of a large truck running megawatts of power? Its wings beat about 50 times each second, and they rotate around their central axis through almost 180 degrees, allowing the bird to fly backwards and forwards and hover. Although the folding rules for RNA are vastly simpler than those for DNA, we still cannot predict with certainty the three-dimensional structure an RNA molecule will form if we are given the sequence of bases as a starting point. In the present time, sharks seem to have reached an evolutionary dead end. Mass Spectrometry in Biophysics expertly closesthis gap in the literature. The effect of this random motion is that we can view individual bacteria rather like the molecules of a gas, as shown in Figure 6. One possible function is to bind oxygen tightly as a storage reservoir in muscle cells. A much broader range of systems display this behavior, however, including the stock market and flow of immigrants across the semi-permeable U.S. land border. A set of 900 neurons encoded to solve a 30-city traveling salesman problem was able to find 107 “best” solutions out of the 1030possible solutions, a rejection ratio of 1023 in just a few clock cycles of the neural network. In what order should he visit the cities? We will use the word “emergent” here to discuss the genome in the following sense: If DNA simply had the codes for genes that are expressed in the organism, it would be a rather boring large table of data. However, you can ask pertinent physical questions about the state of the egg to determine whether it is alive: Has the egg been cooked? Neural networks are highly interconnected. The videos and online textbook units can be used independently. An example of this extreme sensitivity to the potential functions and the composition of the polymer can be found in the difference between ribonucleic acids (RNA) and deoxyribonucleic acids (DNA). Since an organism like the bacterium Escherichia coli contains roughly 4,000 different proteins and each protein is roughly 100 amino acids long, we would estimate that the length of DNA in E. coli must be about 2 million base pairs long. From a physicist’s bottom-up approach and lacking much knowledge of physical chemistry, how much difference can that lone oxygen atom matter? It’s pretty easy to tell from a physics perspective: Spin the egg around the short axis of the ellipse rapidly, stop it suddenly, and then let it go. The numbers are what they are because an unaccountable number of alternate universes are forming a landscape of physical constants. And at a much more troubling level, why do we speak of the soul of a person when no one at this point would seriously ascribe any sense of self-recognition to one of our biggest computers? The left panel shows the projected image of the students and professors from UT Austin and UCSF who participated in the project, and the right panel shows the resulting bacterial photo.Source: © Aaron Chevalier and the University of Texas at Austin.The photograph on the left shows members of the synthetic biology team at the University of Texas at Austin and the University of California, San Francisco. The lower right shows the conditions Wright considered optimal: many small, isolated populations that occasionally interact. More recent research, however, indicates that the finch population evolves more quickly to environmental change than can be explained by random mutations. These groups can change quickly, but are spared the uncontrolled random wandering of a single small group by virtue of their interaction with one another. All rights Reserved. : Runaway International Bestseller, Introduction to Biomolecular Structure and Biophysics, Biophysical Techniques for Structural Characterization of Macromolecules, Fundamentals of Polymer Physics and Molecular Biophysics. In principle, a complex adaptive system could appear almost anywhere, but biological systems are the most extreme cases of this general phenomenon. It is an emergent property arising from the laws of physics, which presumably are capable of explaining the physics of the egg. I want to concentrate on one thing here: how differently the brain, even the pseudo-brain of C. elegans, is “wired” from the computer that you’re using to read this web page. Who in their right mind could possibly be interested in this unkempt beast? It has mirror symmetry. The mathematician Alan Turing, not only invented the Turing machine, the grandfather of all computers, but he also asked a curious question: Can machines think? Author: Wilke, 18 July 2004.The fitness landscape shown here looks like a slice through the free energy landscape shown in Figure 22, and like an extension of the potential sketched in Figure 25 (Unit 4). There is a set of equations, called the “Keller-Segel equations,” which are usually the first steps in trying to puzzle out emergent behavior in a collection of swimming agents such as bacteria. Author: brian0918, 22 November 2009. The center photographs show the total population of cells (bottom) compared to the green fluorescent portion of the population (top). To the second edition several new chapters were added. In this section, we will ask whether we can use the principles of physics to understand anything about how the folded structure of proteins, which is incredibly detailed and specific to biological processes, arises from their relatively simple chemical composition. This book attracts a group of applied mathematically oriented students and scholars to the exciting field of molecular biophysics. Explains the quantitative basis of human life to life science students, with examples drawn from contemporary physiology, genetics and nanobiology. For example, shark cartilage is one of the more common “alternative medicines” for cancer. Exploring Protein Biophysics using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy AS.250.310 (01) NMR is a spectroscopic technique which provides unique, atomic level insights into the inner workings of biomolecules in aqueous solution and solid state. We believe that what we observe there is the result of billions of years of evolution and the output of complex biological networks. Interactions between the fields of physics and biology reach back over a century, and some of the most significant developments in biology--from the discovery of DNA's structure to imaging of the human brain--have involved collaboration across this disciplinary boundary. They live for about nine years, spend their summers in the northern parts of North America and their winters in tropical Central America. Naturally, he wants to travel through each city only once. The advancement in capabilities of the digital computer over the past 30 years has been truly staggering, yet it pales against what the hummingbird’s brain can do. To learn anything useful about a hierarchy, you must have some quantitative way to characterize the difference between states in the hierarchy. The notation is that the sugar in the syrup is dextro-rotary (D-rotary), or right-handed. Spin 1 points up and spin 2 points down, so their interaction energy is -1. We will discuss this vexing problem a bit more in the protein section, but it remains a huge problem in biological physics. This distribution of allowed states that are close in “distance” and forbidden states separated by a large distance is called a hierarchical distribution of states. Biology inherently deals with landscapes because the biological entities, whether they are molecules, cells, organisms, or ecologies, are inherently heterogeneous and complex. Physics shows that it isn’t magic. So, perhaps in a foolhardy manner, we will move forward to see how physics, in the discipline known as biological physics, can attack some of the greatest puzzles of them all. (Unit: 9). Author: Narayanese, 27 December 2007. Biological molecules, as well as cells and complete organisms, are organized in complex networks. It actually has no single ground state, which may be true for many proteins as well. At that core, lies a very long linear polymer, deoxyribonucleic acid (or DNA), which encodes the basic self-assembly information and control information. As glass that has been heated in an oven like the one shown here cools, its viscosity increases dramatically, leaving it stuck far from its ground state in what appears to be a stable solid form. The iron bound to myoglobin is what gives meat its red color. Bialek then applies these principles to a broad range of phenomena, including the control of gene expression, perception and memory, protein folding, the mechanics of the inner ear, the dynamics of biochemical reactions, and pattern formation in developing embryos. It addresses the purpose, science, and application of all physical science instrumentation and analysis methods used in current research labs. This is essential for the students to “perceive” the specific nature and peculiarity of molecular biological processes and see how this specificity is displayed in biological systems. Topics presented in the book include biological vocabulary and concepts; biological functions at the molecular level of each biological system; and commonly used tools of experimental biophysics. It would be a mistake to think that the 1012 neurons in the brain correspond to about 1012 bits of information, or about 100 Gigabytes. It is natural to start by thinking about DNA, the master molecule of life. Michael Saxton takes up a key biophysics question about particle distribution and behavior in systems with spatial or temporal inhomogeneity in his chapter “Single–Particle Tracking”. In the human brain, we believe that the number is on the order of 103. We started this unit by considering the fragility of the egg in a large fall. As polymers go, most proteins are relatively small but much bigger than you might expect is necessary. The National Institutes of Health have established a National Center for Biotechnology Information with the express purpose of trying to centralize all the information pouring in from sequencing and mapping projects. To do this, a gene was inserted into E. coli that coded for a protein that causes the bacteria to make a black pigment. One of the more radical ideas that has been put forward is that there is no deeper meaning. While the structure of DNA may be simple, understanding how its structure leads to a living organism is not. The difference here is that the ground states of the system with broken symmetry were all connected in field space—on the energy landscape, they are all in the same valley—whereas the nearly equal energy levels in a frustrated system are all isolated in separate valleys with big mountains in between them. However, sharks possess an important characteristic from an evolution perspective: They represent an evolutionary dead-end. Turning on mutational mechanisms, in contrast, is a defection, in the sense that it leads potentially to genomes which can propagate even in what should be lethal conditions and could, in principle, lead to the destruction of the organism: disease followed by death, which would seem to be very counterproductive. If you were right that it has not been cooked, the egg will shatter into hundreds of pieces. Despite this growing trend, until now no single text has presentedthe full array of MS-based experimental techniques and strategiesfor biophysics. Glycine is the one exception. Information flows into a system in a changing external environment, prompting a response in the form of self-organization. It is the shortest among 43,589,145,600 possible tours visiting each city exactly once.Source: © Wikipedia, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.The traveling salesman problem, originally called the “Knight’s tour problem” by Euler, is a classic example of a simple optimization problem that is extremely difficult to solve in a reasonable amount of time. The dark matter that makes up a huge fraction of the total genome is still very much terra incognito. Thus, we should not be surprised that many bacteria do not exist at the level as rugged individuals but instead show quite startling collective behavior, just like people build churches. Download and Read online Advanced Techniques In Biophysics ebooks in PDF, epub, Tuebl Mobi, Kindle Book. If we imagine that each gene codes for a protein that has about 100 amino acids, and that three base pairs are required to specify each amino acid, the minimal size of the human genome would be about 107 base pairs. As physicists, we will turn our attention to the emergent structure of biological molecules. For example, the aerodynamics of most modern fighter jets makes the plane inherently unstable. Molecular motion is clearly the province of microscopic physics and statistical mechanics, while turbulent flow is an emergent effect. Although there are straightforward ways to determine that certain things haven’t killed potentially live cells in there, and whether conditions are consistent with cells being alive, it is remarkably difficult to make a positive determination. So, while it is a long stretch to derive the emergence of turbulence from atomic motion, no one would say it is impossible, just very hard. However, it doesn’t take long before it is in a highly disordered state, with colored squares seemingly randomly distributed. Yin Yeh and coworkers bring to the reader’s attention the physical basis underlying the common use of fluorescence spectroscopy in biomedical research in their chapter “Fluorescence Spectroscopy”. (Unit: 9). person-portlet. Beagle, by John Gould. Perhaps the same should have been said when banks started hiring theoretical physicists to run stock trading code. Each part is quite distinct, and buses transfer binary data between the different sections. Figure 11: The chemical structure of RNA (left), and the form the folded molecule takes (right).Source: © Left: Wikimedia Commons, Public Domain. Here, we see A-DNA (left), B-DNA (center), and Z-DNA (right). The egg’s internal mechanical structure is very complex and rather important to the egg’s future. The book first presents the historical background, concepts, and motivation for using a physical science toolbox to understand biology. A gene is the section of DNA that codes for a particular protein. About 7 cm long and weighing about 5 grams, this bird is capable of some rather amazing biophysical things. These interactions can be both random and frustrated, an important concept that we will introduce shortly. I hope they have learned from me. ... New Releases Best Sellers & More Children's Books Textbooks Textbook Rentals Best Books of the Month 1-16 of over 8,000 results for ... Biophysics: A Student’s Guide to the Physics of the Life Sciences and Medicine. 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